Why You Should Consider Sawdust for Your Animal Housing

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Sawdust has many uses, from a firestarter to a filler in different composite flooring recipes. However, it is also highly absorbent, soft and very cheap which all make it an exceptionally serviceable product for use with animals. Whether you own something as small as a hamster or something the size of a horse, a sawdust supplier can provide you with high-quality sawdust perfect for their needs. Here are a few reasons that show why more and more animal lovers are turning to a sawdust supplier for their animal bedding. 

Soft underfoot

Many pets are domesticated, and that means they no longer have all the same defence mechanisms when it comes to surviving in nature. Of particular note is their feet, which are far more sensitive to cold, wintery earth than they might be otherwise. This goes doubly so for baby animals who can be seriously injured by a few small tumbles if you are not watching closely. Sawdust is very soft and comfortable for all animals and many prefer it to most other types of bedding because of how comfortable it is. Your local sawdust supplier can advise you on which of their variants are the softest for animal purposes as they likely get these requests quite frequently.

Absorbent and easy to replace

Animals can be messy to take care of, whether it be to their eating and drinking habits to their frequent bathroom needs. Sawdust offers an easy solution for a variety of reasons:

  • It soaks up liquid, making it obvious which areas need to be cleaned.
  • It reduces the smell of this waste by tempering it with a natural wooden scent.
  • It stops stains and ugly discolourations from occurring.
  • It is very light and can be removed and replaced with ease.


You don't want to spend a fortune on housing animals, particularly if they are part of your business and not a family pet. You can easily by sawdust from a sawdust supplier in bulk and for a much-reduced rate than you would find for similar synthetic material. It is also important to realise that by investing in the health and wellbeing of your animals with good flooring you reduce disease, injuries and frequency of arguments and bad-tempered animals. This all goes a long way to increase the viability of your product (if you are using animals as part of your business) or for deepening the connection you have with your pets. Either way, it is the best budget option for bedding you will find! 
